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I believe everyone deserves a high-quality education and equal access to healthcare, because investing in people affords opportunities to all.
issues that matter most
I believe that government plays a critical role in our lives. Through functions like education, public safety, and infrastructure, to name a few, government sets the stage for the success of its citizens and the private sector. At the Georgia Senate, I’m proud to be a voice for equality and expanding opportunity for all Georgians. I stand for the promise of high-quality public education for all. I believe no one should be denied access to a doctor. And I believe in an inclusive economy and fair pay for hard work.
Elena is one-hundred percent pro-equality, pro-choice, and pro-gay marriage. She supports common sense gun safety reform, and wants to limit corporate contributions to political campaigns.
She is a champion for fair elections, including ending gerrymandering, stopping voter suppression, increasing ease of access to the ballot box, and eliminating the stranglehold moneyed special interests have on our elections.
Elena Parent believes that affordable, quality healthcare should be accessible for all Americans. She has been an advocate for healthcare affordability for senior citizens in her district, and understands that healthcare doesn’t end with health insurance.
She is a strong voice for protecting our environment, stopping harmful pollution, and increasing Georgia’s portfolio of renewable energy sources.
As the mother of two young children, Elena Parent believes nothing is more important than ensuring children are able to reach their full potential by ensuring that every child gets a quality education.
She believes teachers should be paid more, and that Georgia should be innovative in strategies to close the achievement gap between poor and well-off students.