Education & work OpportunitY
As the mother of two young children, Elena Parent believes nothing is more important than ensuring children are able to reach their full potential by ensuring that every child gets a quality education.
In the State House, Elena voted against the Republican cuts to education, and in the Senate she will fight to restore the cuts, make sure every child is in school a full 180 days, fully fund early childhood education, and invest more in K-12 schools.
Diversity & Inclusivity
Social Justice
Minimum Wage
Healthcare & Wellbeing
Elena Parent believes that affordable, quality healthcare should be accessible for all Americans. As the Executive Director of Georgia Watch, Elena has worked tirelessly to educate Georgians about their healthcare options.
In the Senate, she'll take on the Republicans who have refused to expand Medicaid. Elena will lead the fight to ensure more working Georgians have access to basic healthcare coverage.
Reproductive Rights - like abortion and birth control
Environmentalism - regulating pollutants and toxic plastics, solar energy
Health Insurance
Workers Comp
Economic development
As a State Senator, Elena Parent focuses on creating jobs and growing Georgia’s economy. She believes in a tax code that is fair for the middle class and small businesses. She also understands that in order for business to succeed, people have to succeed.
She knows that businesses can’t thrive without a qualified workforce and roads and trains to move their goods. That’s why she’s the primary sponsor of legislation that would create a Georgia Earned Income Tax Credit. She also supports investments in public infrastructure, including transit and broadband access, and high-quality public education. Senator Parent is a leading voice on workforce training and enabling high school students to gain skills for the modern economy while they are still students.
Supporting Local Business
Transportation & Infrastructure
safe resilient communities
Like you, Elena Parent wants each and every Georgian to live in safe communities.
Senator Parent is a leading advocate for gun safety, including legislation to close Georgia’s loopholes that allow convicted domestic abusers and the seriously mentally ill to still possess weapons.
Senator Parent was a key part of passing Georgia's Pursuing Justice for Rape Victims Act in 2016. Senator Parent is a co-sponsor of legislation to end Georgia’s status as one of only 4 states without a hate crimes law.
Resilient communities recognize and plan for climate change and disasters. Senator Parent has voted YES consistently on legislation that will mitigate or eliminate harm to the environment, to clean up our air and water, and to reverse our impact on climate change, while voting against any bill that fails to protect our natural resources and keep the environment in Georgia safe for everyone.
Gun Regulation
Marriage Equality