Elena Parent Elena Parent

The Parent Press: Sine Die Recap & Review

Yesterday was "Sine Die," the last day of the Legislative Session, and the last chance for a bill to pass in 2021. Although Republicans in the Legislature had already passed many of their most controversial bills – including SB 202, their anti-democratic effort to suppress the vote – Sine Die was still a long and eventful day.

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Elena Parent Elena Parent

The Parent Press: Week 9 of the 2021 Legislative Session

The assault on voting rights took a dangerous leap forward this week. On Thursday afternoon, the House passed SB 202, the 98-page bill that Republicans sprung on House Democrats last week, which would provide the state with new powers over local election officials and place limits on absentee voting and runoff elections, among many other restrictions.

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Elena Parent Elena Parent

The Parent Press: CROSSOVER DAY Update

Yesterday was Crossover Day at the Georgia Legislature. Crossover Day is the day by which legislation has to clear at least one chamber in order to become law this year. This year, the focus of Crossover Day was on the right to vote – or, on the GOP's effort to take that right away, by making it harder for regular people to vote.

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Elena Parent Elena Parent

The Parent Press: Week 6 of the 2021 Legislative Session

The 2021 Legislative Session is approaching Crossover Day, when legislation has to clear at least one chamber in order to become law this year. Efforts to restrict voting are accelerating. 4 pieces of election-related legislation were passed by the Senate this week, although the majority of the recently introduced bills have yet to come up for a vote.

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